“The total solar energy absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land masses is approximately 3,850,000 exajoules (EJ) per year. In 2002, this was more energy in one hour than the world used in one year”... Wikipedia (Provide link or “See References”)
The solar wind is comprised of much more than just photon energy from within the visible light spectrum, and the combined effect of the solar wind does much more than just heat up the Earth’s atmosphere...it also charges, or “ionizes” the atmosphere. This charge can be measured, and is referred to as the “Potential Gradient”.
Dark Solar represents a technology that allows a machine to collect the energy directly from the atmosphere itself. The energy is totally green, (zero pollutants), inexhaustible, and available even when it’s dark outside...thus the name. On the other hand...Nicola Tesla was granted patents dating as far back as November of 1901, (patents which referred to the “atmospheric generation of electricity”, and to “radiant energy” as the source for the potential gradient). Tesla (Provide link or “See References”) is quoted as saying:
"This new power for the driving of the world's machinery will be derived from the energy which operates the universe, the cosmic energy, whose central source for the earth is the sun and which is everywhere present in unlimited quantities." Nicola Tesla
It has taken more than a century for technology to catch up with Tesla’s genius...construction techniques, digital electronics, and materials like “graphene” (Provide link or “See References”) simply did not exist in the early 1900’s as they do today...Dark Solar technology is a natural extension of one of the most prolific inventive minds in the history of human civilization on planet Earth. AND...with the advent of modern social networking it will be impossible for the unmitigated greed of a very select few to suppress the technology the way their predecessors did a century ago.
The ionization of the atmosphere is continuously being replenished by the solar wind. Dark Solar technology intercepts and redirects the flow of positively charged free electrons from the atmosphere to the negative potential of the earth ground, by creating a new “path of least resistance” for the electron flow...it’s just that simple.
In other words: The sun is the energy source, (in the form of the solar wind)...the atmosphere acts like a battery or capacitor, and is “charged or ionized” by the solar wind energy...and then Dark Solar technology simply intercepts, redirects, and converts the energy into usable electric current as it naturally progresses along a new path of least resistance to earth ground.
What is Dark Solar? It is an inexhaustible, environmentally friendly source of energy that can create energy independence for the entire State of Hawaii by the year 2025...and in addition produce a perpetuating income stream for Hawaii’s social safety net, from royalties gained by exporting the technology to other energy producers around the world.
Energy Independence for Hawaii...an end to 90% of homelessness in Hawaii...an end to uncontrollable, and unpredictable energy cost...What is Dark Solar?...it’s an answer to the prayers of many, many people who call Hawaii home, and many, many, other people from all over the world who are desperate for a better way of life.
For more references, please click on the following link: References.
To receive further details, please contact us at powernet@energyinnovations.us.
Richard C. Stancliff, Director